Jumat, 24 April 2015


daily activity view on the lake
Lake Toba(Indonesia:Danau toba) is a lake which is located on north Sumatra-Indonesia and was formed by the eruption of Toba volcano. Occurs three times a devastating eruption which destroyed two-thirds of the earth's population at the time. The first occurred 75 thousand years ago, the second 65 thousand years ago and the third 45 thousand years ago. Lake Toba stretches about 100km from north to south and 30 km wide from east to west. Danau Toba has a depth reaching the deepest point 450meter and the elevation is 900 meters above sea level.

Of this catastrophic eruption super, now Lake Toba be excellent tourism spot in north Sumatra province and has been known to foreign countries. Lake Toba has amazing views from almost every angle. on the midle of this lake there is an island, that is the island of Samosir. This region is mainly inhabited by Batak etnic, the indigenous people of this region.

bautiful view taken from boat

Lake Toba can be taken from the Medan or Kualanamu airport with land transportation through pematangsiantar and came to Parapat, which is a small town on the shore of Lake Toba. The distance between the Medan - Parapat approximately 176 km and reached in usual 5-6 hours. Or it could be through tele, the northern region of Lake Toba. From Medan through Berastagi, Kabanjahe, simpang merek, tele and continue to Samosir Island. It was said between the islands of Sumatra and Samosir Island connected by land and in the Dutch colonial era, the land was cut so as to form an island.

view from toledo inn hotel-samosir

sunset view from lake shore

sunset view taken from patra jasa hotel

best scenary of tanjung unta(camel peninsula)

view from taman simalem resort

view from one tree hill-taman simalem resort
#laketoba #medan #norhtsumatera #samosirisland




Jonggi Turnip

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